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Our services

Our services


The art of kitchen building and renovation

There’s no denying it: the kitchen is an emotionally-charged living space and a central area in our everyday life. With that in mind, there is no need to compromise style for function – you can have it all.

By working within your budget and having a clear understanding of your needs and aspirations, we will work cohesively to create the space that makes sense for you and grows with you over the years. From choosing the perfect lighting, countertops and backsplash to optimizing space and storage, our team is there to guide you every step of the way.

Profitez-en pour tout changer lors d’une rénovation de cuisine

Une rénovation de cuisine vous permet de faire table rase du passé et de passer à une nouvelle ère. Cela veut dire que votre cuisine ne sera plus telle que vous la voyiez auparavant. Vous n’aurez plus l’armoire de cuisine qui ne se refermait pas totalement, vous pourrez oublier votre lavabo dont les canalisations fuyaient tous les trimestres, etc. En effet, la rénovation de cuisine n’est pas uniquement une histoire de décoration : c’est le moment de tout refaire à zéro. C’est donc une opportunité d’installer la cuisine dont vous avez toujours rêvé : le mobilier, la plomberie, le plan de travail, les équipements, etc. Par contre, il faudra que nous collaborions de manière très étroite pour que nous puissions comprendre avec exactitude vos besoins et vos envies lors de votre rénovation de cuisine.

Opt for durable, easy-to-maintain materials, and whenever possible, prioritize local selections that reduce your kitchen’s environmental impact.

When renovating, your kitchen doesn’t have to be a complete overhaul. You can keep some existing furniture and equipment that still suits your new environment. Our team will help you make informed decisions that are sure to please.

Our team will design a 3D plan based on the specific dimensions of your space and your aspirations in terms of feel and functionality. This will enable you to better project yourself in your new space and finalize every little detail with your designer.

Our design services are 100% carried out here, by our team of creative and dedicated designers. Manufacturing is centralized in Gatineau, but we also work with other Quebec partners, like Miralis, to meet all your needs.